To all ye who want to paint with light ...

I should have started this blog many moons ago as I started experiencing the joys of rediscovering the art of photography. But as the saying goes - it's better late, than never!
So, here I am, in the hopes of recording what I learn as I progress from ignorance to enlightenment; about what my eyes can see that my camera can capture; and, what my mind imagines and my camera paints with its capabilities.

Please feel free to add any comments and share your wisdom (tips or tricks) that you have picked up along the way.

And do check out my How-To and Birding pages as well.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 17 - Yummy treats

I had to go to the grocery store to pick up some onions and potatoes - I came home with mango, coffee and raspberry mousse instead.  I have been trying to be good and avoiding desserts, but I do get cravings from time to time.  You have to allow a woman her guilty pleasure - and dessert is my guilty pleasure. I would much rather eat dessert as my main course.  Saying which, I do plan to make a healthy supper of grilled salmon, asparagus and a salad and then gorge myself on the mousse.  Can't wait!

A few more photos on Flickr.

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