To all ye who want to paint with light ...

I should have started this blog many moons ago as I started experiencing the joys of rediscovering the art of photography. But as the saying goes - it's better late, than never!
So, here I am, in the hopes of recording what I learn as I progress from ignorance to enlightenment; about what my eyes can see that my camera can capture; and, what my mind imagines and my camera paints with its capabilities.

Please feel free to add any comments and share your wisdom (tips or tricks) that you have picked up along the way.

And do check out my How-To and Birding pages as well.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 290 - One Icy Day!

We had so much rain yesterday, that it was bound to freeze!  And then we had quite a big dump of snow as well.  It looked so pristine and beautiful when I looked out the window of the bus on my way home after a great lunch.  I knew I would find icicles; so, although I would rather have returned home and curled up with a nice warm blanket, a steaming cup of tea and a great book, I thought I should make use of the opportunity to take some shots of branches and leaves frozen over.

I mainly used my macro lens today, although I didn't really get too many macro shots.  I couldn't get close enough to the subjects through the piles of snow, and thus I had to settle for close-ups instead of macro.

Some of the images turned out a little grainy as I had to hand-hold my shots for the want of a tripod (I wanted to keep things light and thus didn't bring it with me) and used an ISO of 800 in most shots, as I needed to keep a high shutter speed to avoid getting camera shake - a sure recipe for disaster, but I had to do it.


Frozen Leaves and Berries





  1. Cool shots, the top one is the best.

  2. @Cathy: Wow - you were visiting at just the right time! :) Thank you! The first one's my favourite as well!

  3. Oh Toni your coment really touched me. I thank you very much, moreover I feel honored to visit your blog. I always try to pass here for just look your photos, your inovation, your amazing passion for photography.

  4. Toni, although all of them conveys what you are experiencing (weather wise), I am so in love with your first photo. It's just beyond beautiful. It has great focus, it's tack sharp and the reflection is gorgeous!

  5. @Day: Thanks, Day! You're really very, very kind!

  6. @Noreen: Awww.. thanks a lot, Noreen! I guess I had to make it look like one shiny dewdrop! ;-)
