To all ye who want to paint with light ...

I should have started this blog many moons ago as I started experiencing the joys of rediscovering the art of photography. But as the saying goes - it's better late, than never!
So, here I am, in the hopes of recording what I learn as I progress from ignorance to enlightenment; about what my eyes can see that my camera can capture; and, what my mind imagines and my camera paints with its capabilities.

Please feel free to add any comments and share your wisdom (tips or tricks) that you have picked up along the way.

And do check out my How-To and Birding pages as well.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 241 - Comforting

I really needed some comforting food to see me through today, so I decided to use up the carrots sitting in my fridge for the last few days.  I made a carrot soup that's really simple but tasted really great!  This recipe should serve two if you plan to eat it as a meal.  This is my own recipe that I just cooked up as I went along.  I would encourage you to try different add-ins, and please let me know what you threw into your pot so I can try it as well!

Carrots, large - 4
Chicken/beef stock - 4 cups
Ginger - 2" piece
Garlic - 2 cloves
Bay leaf - 1
Butter - 1 tbsp
Fresh cream - 2 tablespoon
Croutons - a handful
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Pinch of nutmeg


  1. Wash the carrots, peel them and cut them into 2 inch pieces.
  2. Pour the stock in a pot and add the carrot pieces to it.
  3. Chop the ginger and garlic into small pieces and add to the pot.
  4. Add the bay leaf and a couple of pinches of pepper, or to taste.
  5. Boil covered, until the carrots are tender, about 20 - 25 mins. (I used a pressure cooker to save time).
  6. Remove the pot from the heat and let cool for a few minutes.
  7. Remove the bay leaf before pouring the contents into a blender; be careful not to splash the hot liquid on yourself.
  8. If there is too much liquid, keep some aside, and use the rest to puree the carrots.
  9. Once the puree is very smooth, and has no lumps, remove it to the pot again, and let simmer for about 5 minutes.  
  10. If the puree seems too thick, you can add a little water (or the reserved stock, if you kept any) to thin it down to your preferred consistency.
  11. Add the butter and let it melt into the soup; simmer for another 2 - 3 minutes before turning off the heat.
  12. Add a pinch of nutmeg and stir into the soup.
  13. Serve hot with a swirl of fresh cream and croutons.
  14. You can also garnish it with some green herbs to add some colour.  Chive might be a good garnish, but I had none at home. 

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