To all ye who want to paint with light ...

I should have started this blog many moons ago as I started experiencing the joys of rediscovering the art of photography. But as the saying goes - it's better late, than never!
So, here I am, in the hopes of recording what I learn as I progress from ignorance to enlightenment; about what my eyes can see that my camera can capture; and, what my mind imagines and my camera paints with its capabilities.

Please feel free to add any comments and share your wisdom (tips or tricks) that you have picked up along the way.

And do check out my How-To and Birding pages as well.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 264 - Sunrise

I saw this spectacular sunrise from my kitchen window on Friday, when I was making my son's breakfast and lunch.  I knew I wouldn't get a good picture, because I would have to shoot through the wire mesh and through layers of spider webs right outside my window (yes, that's an embellishment that comes with living near the water!).

Anyhow, I thought the colours were too beautiful to pass up on, so I just got my camera and took 5 shots.  Needless to say, this was the best.

I sharpened the image a bit and added some clarity and saturated it a wee bit.   Again, I would rather not have posted this, but for the fear of losing another day.


  1. Ah that's just perfect.

    I always find it's best to just concentrate on the sunset colors and not worry about the rest stuff.

  2. Thanks, Cathy! True, I wish the rest of the stuff would take care of themselves. But it's such a beautiful sight when the colours come through that way!

  3. The colors are beautiful. Glad you put this one up.
